We believe
in play based learning!
Preschool Activities
- Wizard Experiment – We perform a simple science experiment that involves hypothesis, observation, and conclusion. For example, in our transportation unit, we have items that we try to roll down a ramp. We guess if it will roll, try it, and make some generalizations about the results.
- Calendar – We name the month, discuss the weather, and count days.
- Music – Includes singing songs, rhythm exercises, finger-plays, and musical instruments.
- Story Time – As a group, the children listen to a story that relates to the current unit.
- Art – We choose art projects that introduce your child to a variety of experiences. For example, during our health unit, we use electric toothbrushes to paint a tooth with a mint-smelling white paint.
- Large Muscle Time – Your child can play outside in our play yard equipped with a new play structure built in 2018, sandbox, basketball hoop, and climbing tires. We also have an indoor play-room equipped with climber, slide, large trucks, balance beam, and tumbling mats.
- Free Play – Your child can choose from a variety of activities.
- Sensory Table – Your child will explore pouring, filling, and molding with a variety of materials, including sand, water, beads, beans, rice, or snow.
- Easel – Your child will have the opportunity to paint and draw on a full-sized easel.
- Play dough – Every month we have a new color of play dough. Sometimes scents and/or glitter are added.
- Dramatic Play – The teachers frequently change this corner of our classroom to become a housekeeping center, a market, a doctor’s office, a campsite, a flower shop, a submarine, a castle, a barn, or a pet store.
- Free Art – Paper, glue sticks, hole punchers, markers, crayons, scissors, and stickers are available for free art creations every day.
- Discovery Table – Exploratory science-related items are available on a rotating basis: light table, magnets, color tubes, magnifying glasses, scales, nature items, sound shakers, and texture boards.
- Reading Corner – Books that relate to the current unit are available for all to enjoy.
- Other items – Blocks, LEGOS®, trains, puzzles, dollhouse, garage, farm, castle, and a large variety of ‘manipulative’ toys are available on a rotating basis.
Our classroom thematic units include the things kids love: farms, colors/shapes, woodland animals, outer space, dinosaurs, caterpillars-butterflies, nursery rhymes, pets, transportation, under the sea, castles, and holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Mother’s Day).
Meet Our Preschool Teachers

Beth Durant Preschool Director
Beth has a BA in History from Carleton College. She has 144 credit hours of Early Childhood coursework from Cardinal Stritch University (most of them at the graduate level). She had three years teaching experience prior to joining CPS and has taught at CPS since 1994. Her two daughters attended CPS. Favorite children’s book: Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. “All children relate to the baby owls worrying about when their mother will return.”

Sarah Babcock - T/TH and T/W/TH TEACHER
Sarah has a BS in Early Childhood and Kindergarten/Primary Education from Ball State University - Muncie, Indiana. Prior to becoming a stay-at-home mom, she was an Executive Assistant at a S&P 500 company based in Chicago for 14 years. Sarah enjoys coaching sports for her two girls, and volunteering at their schools. Both of her daughters, Samantha and Anna, either attended or currently attend CPS, and she is a CPS board member since 2019. Sarah is an avid runner, and enjoys golfing with her family. Favorite Children’s book: The Relatives Came by Cynthia Rylant because of fond memories of long road trips visiting grandparents while growing up in a military family.

Elsie Carroll - T/W/TH Teacher
Elsie has a BA in Psychology from Marquette University and 72 credit hours towards a Masters in Education Psychology. She had two years teaching experience prior to joining CPS and has taught at CPS since 1997. Three of her four children attended CPS. Favorite children’s book: The Very Noisy Night by Diana Hendry. “Because it makes me smile every time I read it. I can’t help but think about all the nights I was up with my children trying to explain noises!”

Claire Nelson - T/Th Teacher
Claire graduated from UW-Milwaukee with a degree in Elementary Education and has been working with children in various settings for more than 20 years. She has seven years of classroom teaching experience and has worked as a Milwaukee Zoo educator, swim instructor, and volleyball coach. The last several years, Claire has been a stay at home mother to her 3 children, all of whom are CPS alumni. She also enjoys her roles as a Girl Scout leader, youth soccer coach, and school volunteer. One of her favorite children’s books is Corduroy by Don Freeman. “It is such a sweet story of compassion, connection, and true friendship.”

Cathy Smith - M/W/F Teacher
Cathy has a BS in Elementary Education from UW-Milwaukee, and in addition, she has over 20 graduate credits in elementary education. She holds a current DPI elementary teaching license. Cathy had nine years of teaching experience prior to joining CPS in 2011. She has two daughters, and the youngest attended CPS. Favorite children’s book: Swimmy by Leo Lionni. “The underwater illustrations are magical, the language is beautiful, and the message about working together is so important for us all!”

Jenny Prendergast - M/W/F Teacher
Jenny has a BA in Comparative Study of Religion and Ethnic Studies from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Before becoming a teacher at CPS Jenny was a board member and parent at the preschool as well as an active volunteer at Richards school and a Girl Scout leader. Favorite children’s book: Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans. ” I love that all of the girls are always there for one another and the illustrations are wonderful!”